October, 2001 Meeting Notes

by Fredson T. Bowers, Jr.

The October 20, 2001 meeting at the United Parish Church of Auburndale was attended by 63 members and guests.

A facilitated informational meeting to welcome new members prior to the regular meeting proved quite helpful.

A Whitakers vendor display in the lobby drew considerable interest both before and after the meeting.

Since this was the Annual Meeting of the Association, Betty Anderson conducted elections. The following slate of Board of Directors members, as proposed by the Board, was presented: Betty Anderson, Fred Bowers, Elaine Burns, Linda Dobkin, Anne Harpin, Jack Memishian and Mary Ronayne. There were no additional nominations from the floor, and the slate of Board members was elected by unanimous vote.

The following slate of officers, as proposed by the Board, was presented:
President: Elaine Burns
Vice President: Anne Harpin
Treasurer: Betty Anderson
Secretary: Fred Bowers

There were no nominations from the floor, and the slate of officers was elected by unanimous vote.

Betty then introduced Joan L. Headley, Executive Director of the Gazette International Networking Institute (G.I.N.I.) in St. Louis, Missouri. She showed a brief video produced by CBS in 1984 as well as a few slides of polio victims in the 1950s. There were some shots of Gini Laurie (now deceased), founder of the Institute, as well as some general information on the Institute's activities which reflect her commitment to the importance of information about PPS and about networking.

G.I.N.I.'s mission includes disseminating information about post-polio syndrome, encouraging research and promoting networking among the post-polio community worldwide. A Post-Polio Outcome Survey sent to 239 polio survivors drew 139 responses. Many had experienced improvement in their condition which they attributed to such PPS management techniques as energy conservation, non-fatiguing exercise, early retirement/work cutback, emotional reassurance and adaptive equipment.

After questions from the audience there was an opportunity for socializing and refreshments.

Many thanks to our volunteers who helped set up the meeting room and with the cleanup afterwards. Also, our appreciation goes to Joan Headley for making the long trip from St. Louis in unsettled times to be with us.

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